Diving in Nosy Be – Chameau


 It is a shoal formed by two humps (chamot means camel) positioned exactly in the direction of the prevailing tidal current, therefore from south-east to north-west.

The deepest part is the south-eastern part. In fact, the dive is perfect if carried out with a falling tide: you start from a depth of 22 meters and then arrive on the second hump of the camel at 13 metres.


In April 2007, a vessel containing a large Napoleon wrasse was sunk on the northwest side. To visit it, you need to dive a little deeper, which can only be done at high tide (therefore with a north-west current), in this case you start from a depth of 33 meters in a shoal a few dozen meters meters further north than Chamot and from there we continue towards the south/south-east, to be able to visit the cap of this shoal which is interesting both for some passages inside the reef and for the number of gorgonians in its upper part.


We continue by visiting the wreck outside and finally let ourselves be carried by the current to end the dive on the second hump of the “camel”.