

Certainly one of the most characteristic dives of the place, a simple dive, on a very rich shoal with beautiful coral formations, sponges and fish.


There are many schools encountered in this dive, schools of yellow and silver snappers, schools of juvenile barracudas, schools of large trevally hunting.


Looking carefully at the seabed there will be dozens of types of nudibranchs that you can see and photograph!!
We often encounter leopard moray eels, schools of tropical croaker, many spotted rays, coral groupers… a giant Napoleon wrasse, some reef sharks such as the white tip (only in the presence of current).


In the large piles of coral that are in the upper part of the shoal, there are many glass fish and orange and lilac anthias, not to mention the infinite species of reef fish such as triggerfish, parrotfish, butterflyfish, angelfish etc.


Naturally, it is useless to say the reason why it is called the Shoal of Fusiliers, it is because in addition to the thousands of fish that you will see darting on this shoal, the real masters are the fusilier fish…


An immersion of those that sculpt the memory!!