Nosy Tanikely


An amazing marine park opens up around the island

The island is located south of Nosy Be


It is a wonderful stretch of sea, also the kingdom of snorkelers due to the ease and beauty of its seabed. The coral colonies develop all around the island, starting from a depth of 5 meters up to a maximum of 23 metres.


From here, with intervals of very white sand, a ridge develops where we carry out beautiful dives. The dynamics of the dive are among the simplest ever, depending on the tidal current (which goes from north-west to south-east during high tide and from south-east to north-west during low tide) we choose the entry point, thus creating the best conditions for enjoying yourself in complete relaxation. Ideal for photographers who love macro photography who will be able to immortalize different species of nudibranchs, clowns, shrimps, etc…


We will be able to meet all the reef life and also groupers, barracudas, crocodile fish, stingrays, jacks and… perhaps, lying on the sand, a beautiful leopard shark which often makes the marine park a place to rest peacefully.


“Una piccola isola con un promontorio, ricoperto di una foresta molto rigogliosa,
che cade verso il mare su spiagge coralline e rocce vulcaniche.”